On January 11, renowned actress Son Ye Jin turned 43 and marked the special occasion with a heartfelt gathering. Sharing a video on her social media, she expressed gratitude with the caption, “Thank you… love you, two Ji Yeon.”
The video offered a glimpse into a cozy celebration surrounded by close friends, who showered her with love and warm wishes. Standing in front of a birthday cake beautifully decorated with her pictures, Son Ye Jin’s happiness was evident. She joined in the fun by clapping along as her friends sang the birthday song, beaming with genuine delight.
Before making a wish and blowing out the candles, Son Ye Jin folded her hands in a thoughtful gesture. Keeping her look natural with minimal makeup, she exuded her signature elegance and charm. Her bright smile and a playful heart gesture toward the camera showcased her radiant and timeless beauty.
In her personal life, Son Ye Jin married fellow actor Hyun Bin in 2022, and the couple now enjoys life with their young son. Professionally, she has chosen to make her comeback in director Park Chan Wook’s upcoming film No Other Choice and is currently busy filming for the project.