The KBS2 variety show Wash JANG, which aired on the 6th, delivered an entertaining mix of lively conversations and performances. Hosted by Jang Min-ho and Jang Sung-gyu, the episode featured appearances by actors Kim Min-jae and Kim Min-seok, as well as the group Epik High.
Kim Min-jae charmed the audience by sharing the story of his first encounter with his wife, actress Choi Yoo-ra. Appearing on the show alongside Choi Yoo-ra and their children, he recounted their meeting during the filming of the KBS drama Spy. Choi Yoo-ra revealed, “We met on set,” to which Kim Min-jae added, “Your smile was so beautiful.” He humorously recalled telling her, “I’m going to marry you,” a statement that eventually came true. Their daughter, sitting nearby, reacted with embarrassment, evoking laughter from everyone present.
Kim Min-jae also opened up about his move to Jeju Island and a challenging time in his career. He admitted he once contemplated leaving acting, feeling like he was stuck in the routine of producing commercial dramas. Reflecting on that period, he shared how he eventually found clarity and decided to continue pursuing his passion for acting.
Meanwhile, Tablo from Epik High spoke about his strong bond with his bandmates Mithra Jin and Tukutz. He revealed that he listed them as emergency contacts for his daughter Haru’s school, emphasizing the deep trust he has in them, saying, “They’ve truly become like family to me.”
Epik High also energized the audience with performances of their iconic tracks “FLY” and “LOVE LOVE LOVE,” while sharing lighthearted anecdotes that added to the show’s vibrant atmosphere.
Additionally, Kim Min-seok brought an emotional moment to the program by expressing his love for his grandmother, a devoted fan of Jang Min-ho. In a touching gesture, Jang Min-ho made a surprise video call to her, leaving her teary-eyed with joy as she expressed her admiration for him, saying, “I truly adore Jang Min-ho.”